Dedicated to historical, critical, and social scientific approaches to the study of religion, as well as a relentlessly reflexive critique of the theories, methods, and categories used in such study.


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The North American Association for the Study of Religion would like to announce that we are canceling the in-person meeting this year and replacing it with an online virtual meeting. While we hope progress continues in the fight against COVID-19, we believe that travel and group meetings might unnecessarily jeopardize the health of our members and other attendees. A virtual meeting allows us to gather without putting ourselves and others at risk.

In the coming months, we will release the schedule for the virtual meeting (including all panels and the business meeting) and will share the link with anyone who is interested. Thank you to everyone for understanding, and we look forward to seeing you virtually in November and then hopefully in person for 2021’s meeting in San Antonio.

In the meantime, we are happy to announce and to share our preliminary program. This year we are breaking with the format we used for the last several years and are instead hosting four roundtables explicitly focusing on applied method and theory.

First Panel: Class, Identity, and Religion

Andie Alexander (Emory University)

Eden Consenstein (Princeton University)
Andrew Durdin (Florida State University)
James Dennis Lorusso (Georgia State University)
Cody Musselman (Yale University)
Jeremy Posadas (Austin College)
Matt Sheedy (University of Bonn)
Merinda Simmons (University of Alabama)

Second Panel: Pure Christian America: “Purity” as a Concept for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Christian Nationalism in the US

Daniel Miller (Landmark College)

Daniel Miller (Landmark College)
Bradley Onishi ( Skidmore College)
Rima Vesely-Flad (Warren Wilson College)
Sara Moslener (University of Central Michigan)
Karen Bray (Wesleyan College)

Third Panel: Data and Theory in Computational and Statistical Modeling of Religion

Wesley Wildman (Boston University

Ann Taves (UC Santa Barbara)
LeRon Shults (University of Agder, Kristiansand)
Kate Stockly (Boston University)
Wesley Wildman (Boston University)
Connor Wood (Center for Mind and Culture)

pc端如何上外网: Competing and Contested Constructions of “Religion”

Jacob Barret (University of Alabama)

Michael Graziano (University of Northern Iowa)
Savannah Finver (The Ohio State University)
Brad Stoddard (McDaniel College)
Richard Newton (University of Alabama)
Joe Laycock (Texas State University)
Sandra Park (University of Chicago)

#naasr2023 • Nov. 20-22  


Show Us Your Data: Method and Theory in Action


The past five years, NAASR’s meetings focused on specific themes (theory, method, data, key categories, and the field). These meetings addressed a range of topics—some familiar, some new—and resulted in insightful discussions at the meetings and beyond. These meetings and discussions tended to dwell on the theoretical. At NAASR 2023, however, we are asking participants to focus on their data, showing how method and theory inform their work in their local data domains.

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This is therefore a call for roundtables. Each submission should include:

  1. a working title
  2. a list of participants
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  4. a brief description of each participant’s work
  5. reflections on the roundtable’s larger theoretical intervention(s)/contribution(s) to the field

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We invite scholars from diverse data domains to contribute to each roundtable. Each submission should also include graduate students and early career scholars.

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Please send complete panels or  proposals as a file attachment by March 1, 2023, to NAASR VP Rebekka King at

#naasr2023 • Nov. 20-23, Boston, MA




We are happy to share the four main papers for this year’s annual meeting in San Diego. As a reminder, each panel has a theme taken up by a main paper writer and posted below. At the conference, these papers will be summarized by their authors, responses from four other panelists will follow, and then there will be an open discussion. You can see the entire schedule HERE

The four topics and main presenters are:

Teaching the Field, Leslie Dorrough Smith (Friday 10:00 AM-11:50 AM)
On the Grammar of Teaching Religious Studies

History of the Field, Russell T. McCutcheon (Friday 1:00 PM-2:50 PM)
The Enduring Presence of Our Pre-Critical Past Or, Same as It Ever Was, Same as It Ever Was…

The Role and Influence of Private Funding of the Field, Gregory D. Alles (Friday 3:00 PM-4:50 PM)
Private Money and the Study of Religions: Problems, Perils, and Possibilities

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Full papers available here for review prior to the conference (these are not for publication or redistribution):

Teaching the Field Leslie Dorrough Smith

History of the Field Russell McCutcheon

The Role and Influence of Private Funding of the Field Gregory Alles

International Perspectives on/in the Field Rosalind I. J. Hackett

#naasr2023 • Nov. 22-24 • San Diego, CA


#naasr2023 • Nov. 22-24 • San Diego, CA

“The Field”: Assessing and Critiquing the Academic Study of Religion

We are pleased to announce the program for the 2023 Annual Meeting.
We are still accepting applications for participants for our graduate workshops.

Friday, November 22, 2023

Teaching the Field 
10:00 AM-11:50 AM Convention Center-23C (Upper Level East)
Main paper author: Leslie Dorrough Smith (Avila University)
Chair: Tommy Carrico (Florida State University)
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Ian Alexander Cuthbertson (Dawson College)
Leonie C. Geiger (University of Groningen)
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1:00 PM-2:50 PM Convention Center-23C (Upper Level East)
Main Paper Author: Russell McCutcheon (University of Alabama)
Chair: Melody Everest (University of Alberta)  
James Edmonds (Arizona State University)
D. Jamil Grimes (Middle Tennessee State University)
Andrew Durdin (Florida State University)
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The Role and Influence of Private Funding of the Field
3:00 PM-4:50 PM Convention Center-25A (Upper Level East)
Main paper author: Gregory Alles (McDaniel College)
Chair: Allison Isidore (University of Alabama)
Joshua Patterson (University of Georgia)
Michael J. Altman (University of Alabama)
John W. McCormack (Aurora University)
Natalie Avalos (University of Colorado-Boulder)


NAASR Reception 7:00PM-9:00PM
Location: Half Door Brewing Company, 903 Island Ave, San Diego, California 92101



International Perspectives on the Field
10:00 AM-11:50 AM Hilton Bayfront-Aqua A (Third Level)
Main paper author: Rosalind I. J. Hackett (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)
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Tenzan Eaghll (Maidol University)
Vaia Touna (University of Alabama)
Yasmina Burezah (University of Bonn)


Saturday, 1电脑怎样进入外国网站
Hilton Bayfront-Indigo 204B (Second Level)



NAASR Graduate Student Workshops*

All graduate workshops held on Sunday, November 24, 2023 in Hilton Bayfront-Indigo 202B (Second Level)

Session One: Job Workshop – 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 
Russell McCutcheon (University of Alabama) and Matt Sheedy (University of Manitoba)

Session Two: Academic Publishing for Graduate Students – 11:10 AM-12:10 PM 
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Graduate Student Luncheon – 12:10 PM-1:10 PM 

Session Three: Navigating the Politics of Academia – 1:10 PM-2:10 PM 
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Session Four: Alternative Careers for Religious Studies Scholars – 2:20 PM-3:20 PM 
Brad Stoddard (McDaniel College) and Emily Crews (University of Alabama)

*Scholars of all concentrations within the field of Religious Studies are welcome to join the workshop—whether a NAASR member or not. Space is limited, so application does not guarantee participation, although we intend to accommodate as many people as we can. To register, please email NAASR VP Rebekka King at by no later than October 18, 2023. In this request to register please include your current degree or professional career stage and identify which session or sessions you would like to attend.

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NAASR Working Groups 2023
American Examples
             Organized by Michael J. Altman

Critical Considerations of “Race” in Religious Studies
             Organized by Emily Crews, Richard Newton, and K. Merinda Simmons

#naasr2023 • Nov. 22-24 • San Diego, CA


“When the Chips are Down,” It’s Time to Pick Them Up: Thinking with Jonathan Z. Smith

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway June 4-5, 2023

poster jpg

You can also find the abstracts 电脑如何连接外国网站 and the program HERE.

The Conference is also on Facebook where you can “like” the group HERE to follow, comment, ask questions, and get more information. During the conference, you can follow the hashtag #JZSatNTNU for live tweet updates.


The North American Association for the Study of Religion is pleased to announce the program for our 2023 Annual Meeting in San Diego, California, November 22-24, 2023. Specific times and locations will be announced in the coming weeks.

 NAASR Annual Meeting Program

History of the Field
Main paper author: Russell T. McCutcheon

James Edmonds
Jamil Grimes
Rebekka King

International Perspectives on the Field
Main paper author: Rosalind Hackett

LeRon Shults
Tenzan Eaghll

Yasmina Burezah

Teaching the Field
Main paper author: Leslie Dorrough Smith

Rita Lester           
Ian Alexander Cuthbertson
Leonie C. Geiger
Martha Smith Roberts

The Role and Influence of Private Funding on the Field
Main paper author: Gregory Alles

Joshua Patterson
Michael J. Altman

John W. McCormack
Natalie Avalos

NAASR Working Groups 2023
American Examples
             Organized by Michael J. Altman

Critical Considerations of “Race” in Religious Studies
             Organized by Emily Crews, Richard Newton, and K. Merinda Simmons

NAASR Graduate Student Workshops*
Session One: Job Workshop
Session Two: Academic Publishing for Graduate Students
Session Three: Navigating the Politics of Academia
Session Four: Alternative Careers for Religious Studies Scholars

*Scholars of all concentrations within the field of Religious Studies are welcome to join the workshop—whether a NAASR member or not. Space is limited, so application does not guarantee participation, although we intend to accommodate as many people as we can. To register, please email NAASR VP Rebekka King at by no later than October 18, 2023. In this request to register please include your current degree or professional career stage and identify which session or sessions you would like to attend.

#naasr2023 • Nov. 22-24 • San Diego, CA


NAASR Graduate Student Workshops: Call for Participants

At our annual meeting in 2023, NAASR will sponsor four one-hour workshops for graduate students. One need not be a NAASR member to apply, although NAASR members will receive priority. Each session will explore a specific topic, and students can participate in any or all of the sessions. NAASR will provide a free lunch for participants as well. Scholars of all concentrations within the field of Religious Studies are welcome to join the workshop—whether a NAASR member or not. Space is limited, so application does not guarantee participation, although we intend to accommodate as many people as we can.

To register, please email NAASR VP Rebekka King at by no later than October 18, 2023. In this request to register please include your current degree or professional career stage and identify which session or sessions you would like to attend.

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Session One: Job Workshop
10:00 AM-11:00 AM, Hilton Bayfront-Indigo 202B (Second Level)
Russell McCutcheon (University of Alabama) and Matt Sheedy (University of Manitoba)

This workshop will explore the employment challenges facing early career scholars. Led by Russell McCutcheon and Matt Sheedy, this session addresses issues important to junior academics (notably, but not exclusively, ABDs now entering/about to enter the job market) by demonstrating how a professional organization can provide a practical and strategic forum for job-market advice. Workshop leaders will evaluate the participants’ C.V. and sample cover letter. They will also discuss the job market, the hiring process, interviews, and other issues related to the job market.

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11:10 AM-12:10 PM Hilton Bayfront-Indigo 202B (Second Level)
Emily Clark (Gonzaga University) and Andie Alexander (Emory University)

This session will explore academic publishing opportunities for graduate students. Graduate students are not in positions to publish books, but numerous publication opportunities exist for them. Led by Emily Clark and Andie Alexander, this panel will help participants identify academic publishing opportunities and will provide strategies and tips for successfully publishing, with the goal of increasing marketability on the job market.

Graduate Student Luncheon – 12:10 PM-1:10 PM Hilton Bayfront-Indigo 202B (Second Level)

Session Three: Navigating the Politics of Academia
1:10 PM-2:10 PM, Hilton Bayfront-Indigo 202B (Second Level)
Rebekka King (Middle Tennessee State University) and Richard Newton (University of Alabama)

Academia is coming to terms with its own #metoo movement. Graduate students and early career scholars are particularly vulnerable to harassment, discrimination, and abuse. This session will provide a forum to discuss the institutional politics and power dynamics that make it difficult to report such experiences in academia (in particular for women and minoritized groups). Rebekka King, Richard Newton, and Stacie Swain will provide input on strategies for making campuses safer, identifying resources for victims, and generating best practices for allies and bystanders.

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2:20 PM-3:20 PM, Hilton Bayfront-Indigo 202B (Second Level)
Brad Stoddard (McDaniel College) and Emily Crews (University of Alabama)

 With more scholars competing for fewer jobs, PhDs in Religious Studies are increasingly looking for careers outside the academy. This workshop, led by Brad Stoddard and Emily Crews, will identify fields and career paths for PhDs who wish or who otherwise need to pursue alternative careers.


#naasr2023 San Diego, California, November 22-24, 2023


“The Field”: Assessing and Critiquing the Academic Study of Religion

Call for Proposals

At our 2018 meeting, NAASR sponsored a panel commemorating the work, legacy, and influence of former NAASR President, Jonathan Z. Smith. Much of the discussion addressed his important work Imagining Religion, where Smith famously called scholars to be mindful of the ways they “imagine” religion and so-called religious data. Building off this crucial insight, NAASR 2023 will highlight the field of the academic study of religion and its impact on the ways that scholars and others imagine religion. NAASR 2023 will explore various factors that influence the production of academic discourses on religion and their dissemination in the classroom, in academic literature, in public debates, and in other forms of information dissemination. Specifically, the program for 2023 will focus on four topics: History of the Field, The Role and Influence of Private Funding of the Field, Teaching the Field, and International Perspectives on the Field.

A few of the issues that we intend to address are: How is religion constructed and depicted in the academic study of religion? How do private donors selectively privilege certain descriptions of religion, and to what ends? How do instructors communicate and/or critique these descriptions to students and to broader audiences? Scholars are increasingly called to engage in public scholarship. What is public scholarship, who answers these calls, and how do scholars imagine religion in this scholarship?

Following the model used for the past several annual meetings, four main, substantive papers will be invited and distributed both to respondents and to NAASR members approximately one month prior to the meeting. The authors of the main papers will summarize their papers at the meeting. Each paper will then have four respondents, who will have fifteen minutes each to reply to the main paper. An open discussion will follow for the remainder of the session.

Following the precedent set over the past four years, the aim once again is to publish these sessions as a book (with responses from the main paper presenters) under the NAASR Working Papers series with Equinox Publishing (edited by Martie Smith Roberts).

This is therefore a call for respondents.

The four main papers will be invited, each to examine the implications of framing our research as focusing on one of the following topics:

  • History of the Field
  • The Role and Influence of Private Funding of the Field
  • Teaching the Field
  • International Perspectives on the Field

The main presenters will be asked to analyze the construction of religion in academic literature in light of their assigned theme (or articulated theme, given theme, specific theme), to advocate/critique scholarship carried out in that vein, and to explore its implications both for the field and for the broader imagining of religion. Submissions for possible respondents (16 in total are needed) must each:

  1. identify the key theme (one of the four immediately above) on which they wish to focus in their reply
  2. provide a brief (max. 500 words) statement on the most pressing issue(s) in need of consideration when addressing scholarship on religion and one of these themes
  3. as part of (2), discuss how their scholarship and/or field of study explores the theme

We would like to pair scholars from diverse data domains.

NAASR especially invites submissions from early career scholars who have an interest in the topics explored in our sessions.

Please send your proposal as a file attachment by March 1, 2023, to NAASR VP Rebekka King at

#naasr2023 • Nov. 22-24 • San Diego, CA


We are pleased to post the four main papers for our conference panels this November in Denver. As a reminder, each panel has a theme taken up by a main paper writer and posted below. At the conference, these papers will be summarized by their authors, responses from four other panelists will follow, and then there will be an open discussion. You can see the entire schedule HERE.

The four topics and main presenters are:

Gender and Sexuality, Megan Goodwin (10:00-11:50am Friday)

This Field Which Is Not One / The Body Is Smart: Rethinking Theory in the Study of Religion

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Citizenship and Politics, Michael McVicar (3:00-4:45pm Friday)

Paper Terrorism: Religion, Paperwork, and the Contestation of State Power in the “Sovereign Citizen” Movement

Race and Ethnicity, Richard Newton (9:00-10:50am Saturday)

Signifying “Der Rassist” in Religious Studies and the Axes of Social Difference


Full papers available here for review prior to the conference (these are not for publication or redistribution):

Gender and Sexuality Megan Goodwin

Class and Economy Suzanne Owen

Citizenship and Politics Michael J. McVicar

Race and Ethnicity Richard Newton


New in the series: Supplements to Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, edited Aaron W. Hughes, Russell McCutcheon and Kocku von Stuckrad.

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9789004372436.jpgThe traditions and institutions that we call religions abound with references to the supernatural: ancestral spirits, karma, the afterlife, miracles, revelation, deities, etc. How are students of religion to approach the behaviors, doctrines, and beliefs that refer to such phenomena, which by their very nature are supposed to defy the methods of empirical research and the theories of historical scholarship? That is the question of methodological naturalism. The Question of Methodological Naturalism offers ten thoughtful engagements with that perennial question for the academic study of religion. Contributors include established senior scholars and newer voices propounding a range of perspectives, resulting in both surprising points of convergence and irreconcilable differences in how our shared discipline should be conceptualized and practiced.


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